Wednesday 21 September 2016

Baby refusing to drink cow's milk? Here's what you can do

Cow milk is the preferred choice for babies that are 12 months or older. This is the time when babies need more nutrition for their proper growth and development. While formula milk can also be used, the majority prefers cow's full cream milk for babies or cow's full cream milk for toddlers. As per the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), 12 months babies and older can have up to 2 1/2 cups of cow's milk every day. AAP also recommends that parents use full cream milk for their toddlers. But, what can one do if the baby refuses to drink cow's milk? Well, there's nothing to worry. The baby just needs to adjust to the new taste of cow's milk. Here are some safe ways to make your baby start liking cow's milk.

Warm the milk

Cow's full cream milk for babies and cow's full cream milk for toddlers can be warmed a bit to mimic the natural temperature of breast milk. The closer you can match the warmth of cow's milk to breast milk, the easier it would be for your baby to accept it readily. A few hit and trials would help you achieve the most appropriate temperature for cow's milk. For example, if you have a microwave, you can test with different time settings such as 20 seconds, 30 seconds, etc. and note down your baby's response to find the best temperature of cow's milk that would make it likable to your baby.

Slightly sweeten the cow's milk

Breast milk is naturally sweeter than cow's milk, which is why your baby may not like cow's milk initially. To make the transition, you can sweeten the cow's milk a bit and check your baby's response. With just a little bit of sweetness, your baby will start liking cow's milk. You can then gradually reduce the sweetness and eventually avoid it completely, when the baby has become accustomed to drinking cow's milk.

Do your own experiments

Some parents have reported good results by using straws, sippy cups or other fancy items that the baby may find interesting. The logic is that such products take the baby’s attention away from the milk’s taste, enabling her to accept cow’s milk without any issues. You can try your own methods to see what works best for your baby.

For your 12 months or older baby, you can also supplement with tasty dahi. However, cow’s tasty dahi should be given in limited quantities in comparison to cow’s full cream milk for babies and cow’s full cream milk for toddlers. 

Thursday 15 September 2016

Baby drinking almond milk develops scurvy

For many generations, people in India have relied on cow's full fat organic milk for meeting the nutritional needs of babies and toddlers. The use of cow's full cream milk for toddlers has turned out to be a good practice, as it has helped our young ones to grow mentally and physically strong. Even toned milk has worked well since double toned milk nutrition is mostly the same as full fat organic milk, excluding of course the amount of fat content. 

However, in recent times, many brands have started offering plant based milk products such as almond milk. This is not a sustainable development since it has been proven in laboratory studies that plant based milk products such as almond milk is not a whole food and is nutrient deficient. A case supporting this deficient nature of plant based milk products has recently come up in Spain. In this case, a 11-month baby, who was drinking only almond milk, has been diagnosed with Scurvy, a disease that is caused by the deficiency of Vitamin C. Details of this case have been published in the Pediatrics journal and it points out to the risks associated with plant based milk products for babies and toddlers. The baby was severely affected, as he used to be very unstable when in the sitting position. He remained tired and irritable, and would find it difficult to stand on a solid surface. Femur fractures were found during medical examination and extremely low Vitamin C levels, which prompted doctors to diagnose it as Scurvy. 

Some experts opine that in this particular case, the synthetic chemicals used in processing almond milk may be inhibiting the absorption of essential nutrients such as Vitamin C. Plant based milk products such as almond milk may appear to be nutrient rich in theory, but what they are essentially is factory produced and laden with chemicals. In comparison, cow’s full fat organic milk and cow’s full cream milk for toddlers are 100% natural, safe and healthy. 

Using plant based milk products is like going against nature. This may not be good since we are yet to fully understand how nature and our bodies work, especially in the long term. Till things are clearer, it would be a wise decision to use natural food sources such as full fat organic milk and full cream milk for toddlers. Even toned milk would be good since double toned milk nutrition is not very different from full fat milk, if you exclude the fat portion.

Monday 29 August 2016

Cow milk protein can block high BP, says new research

Ours is a strange new world, where there are as many new medical innovations and medicines, as there are new types of human disorders. High blood pressure (hypertension) is one such disorder that is becoming increasingly rampant among the masses. High blood pressure is a condition propagated by improper and unhealthy lifestyle, characterized by stress and nutritional deficiency. While several different types of medications are available for high blood pressure, their long-term effects are not properly defined, which is a worrisome situation. However, there's some relief, as scientists have discovered through a new research that protein from cow milk products such as best full cream milk, organic curd, etc. can help reduce systolic blood pressure. 

In the research, the researchers chose people who were diagnosed with prehypertension and stage-1 high blood pressure. Random groups were formed, one of which included people who were given cow's milk equaling 40 grams of milk protein, as part of their daily diet. Other groups included those who were supplemented with soy milk and a carbohydrate-based drink. The research went on for eight weeks, after which it was noticed that the group drinking cow's milk has managed to reduce its blood pressure by the highest margin of 2.3 mm Hg. The soy milk group recorded 2.0 mm Hg drop whereas the carb-fed group showed no change. 

Now, a figure of 2.3 may appear insignificant to a layman, but when health experts were consulted, they said that the results are very important. It is because even such a seemingly small change can have significant health benefits over the years. As per estimates provided by health experts, the reduction in blood pressure achieved thorough cow milk protein could reduce stroke-related deaths by 6%, heart disease deaths by 4% and overall deaths among Americans by 3%. Since thousands of lives can be saved or prolonged, the results are certainly promising.

Cow milk products such as best full cream milk, organic curd, and others are easily available and affordable. They are hundred percent natural, have no side effects, and supply the body with a wide variety of essential nutrients. The research goes on to show that including cow milk products such as best full cream milk, organic curd, and others in your daily diet can be a good idea to prevent and control lifestyle disorders such as high blood pressure. Good health is the key to a good life, so grab that glass of milk, whenever you can.

Tuesday 23 August 2016

Milk powers American Olympic Champions, reveals new survey

To understand the immense benefits of milk, we do not always have to take help from scientific research. There are times when we can examine the way things operate in general and come to a definitive conclusion through a survey. This approach has been an essential part of human progress and has worked well throughout the centuries.

Full Cream Milk

Since the current season is all about Olympics fervor, it would be prudent to utilize it as  a medium to substantiate the benefits of milk and milk products such as tasty dahi, full cream milk for babies, full cream milk for toddlers, etc. This was exactly the motivation that prompted researchers in the Unites States of America (USA) to find out the secret that powers the success of Olympic champions. Olympics is the world's foremost sporting event where the best of the best from every country come to compete for a wide variety of titles. To win an Olympic medal requires physical superiority as well as mental astuteness.

To find out what made Olympic champions better than the rest, researchers conducted a survey involving more than 1,000 existing and retired U.S. Olympians and Paralympians. The survey revealed that almost all, around 90% of Olympic champions, had milk in their growing years. This implies that they grew up consuming milk and milk products such as tasty dahi, full cream milk for babies, full cream milk for toddlers, etc.

Even during the training period, milk is consumed regularly by Olympians. As per available data, Olympic training centers in USA serve several thousands of liters of milk every year to ensure that the athletes are in top shape and ready for the tough road ahead. Milk supplies a wide variety of nutrients and is especially loaded with top quality protein, an essential daily requirement for sportsmen. Milk has also shown to be beneficial in rehydration, which is very essential for Olympians, as they have to undergo a grueling schedule, resulting in significant loss of bodily fluid.

Since majority of American Olympians have admitted to consuming milk in their growing years, it makes sense to include milk in the diet of babies and toddlers. Milk and milk products such as tasty dahi, full cream milk for babies, full cream milk for toddlers, etc. can be utilized to ensure the best possible growth and development for our children. Now, they may or may not win an Olympic medal, but one thing is sure that they will grow up to be physically strong and mentally sharp. 

Friday 12 August 2016

Study debunks any link between fresh milk and elevated estrogen levels

Time and again, concerns have been raised about cow milk products such as fresh milk and healthy double toned milk. Apparently, there are vested interests that want people to discard that glassful of healthy cow's milk and instead choose highly processed and chemically enriched plant based milk products such as soy milk, almond milk, coconut milk, rice milk, etc. Despite the barrage of accusations, cow milk and cow milk products have triumphed and remain to be the popular choice among the majority of people. 

The benefits of cow milk products such as fresh milk and healthy double toned milk are backed by scientific evidence. A number of research studies conducted over the years have substantiated the immense benefits of cow's milk. In one such research study, scientists have debunked the theory that cow's milk can lead to increased levels of the hormone estrogen in humans. The accusation was that higher levels of estrogen in the blood increased the risk of certain cancers in humans. However, according to the findings of the new research, there is no link between consumption of fresh milk and increased estrogen levels. This goes on to show that certain sections of the industry are just trying to malign the dairy industry, so that they can sell their synthetic products at significantly higher prices. 

The research study was conducted by a team of researchers working at the University of Ljubljana in Slovenia. The purpose of the study was to ascertain the effects of consumption of fresh milk on the blood profile of adult mice. The mice were given standard doses as well as increased doses such as 100 times and 1000 times that of the standard dose. The results revealed that normal dose of milk did not have any impact on the blood estrogen levels in mice. Even when the dose was increased to 100 times, there was no significant increase in blood estrogen levels in mice. This was enough to prove that consumption of cow's milk does not correlate to increased blood estrogen level.

The simple logical question one should ask is how cow milk can be bad when we have been drinking it since many centuries and that our ancestors were quite healthy. Moreover, there is plenty of scientific evidence to prove the health benefits of cow milk products such as fresh milk and healthy double toned milk. Choose facts over accusations, and you will be fit and fine