Tuesday, 31 May 2016

Benefits of full fat organic curd

As more and more research studies substantiate the benefits of healthy fats, it seems like a better decision to include full fat milk and milk products in your diet. One of the safest and healthiest choices would be to go for full fat organic curd, which is loaded with a wide variety of nutrients such as proteins, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals. Here's how organic curd, which we also refer to as tasty dahi, can provide a host of benefits to you and your family. 

Avoid lactose intolerance - Nowadays, an increasing number of people are being diagnosed as 'lactose intolerant'. This is a medical condition wherein the affected person is found deficient of an enzyme in the body knows as lactase. It simply means that a person who is lactose intolerant does not have the ability to properly digest dairy products like milk. When such a person consumes milk, he/she can suffer from symptoms such as bloating, abdominal cramps and diarrhea. However, it does not mean that such people will have to completely avoid dairy products. The best option for them would be to go for dairy products such as full fat organic curd. The good bacteria in organic curd convert lactose in milk into glucose and lactic acid, which are easily digestible by the human body, even by people who are lactose intolerant. 

Healthy bones and teeth - Tasty dahi provides a good supply of calcium, which is essential for strong bones and teeth. Also, the more calcium you include in your diet, the lesser will be the risk of debilitating medical conditions such as osteoporosis. It has been shown in nutritive studies that just around 250 grams of full fat organic curd can supply up to 50% of calcium needed by your body every day.
Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) - Full fat organic curd has plenty of healthy fatty acids such as conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), which offers several health benefits. In research studies, CLA has shown to be useful in treating cancer, hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), obesity and food allergies. CLA has also been found useful in weight loss and bodybuilding. It also boosts immunity and reduces fat deposits in the human body.

Fight harmful microbes - The good bacteria in full fat organic curd, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis, help to neutralize harmful microbes in your gut. One specific research study has shown that such harmful bacteria can cause a particular type of ulcer, referred to as Helicobacter pylori. With full fat organic curd, such harmful bacteria can be removed in a healthy way, without any side effects.

Thursday, 26 May 2016

Cow milk products for healthy living

Cow milk and cow milk products contain a variety of essential nutrients that our body needs for proper growth and development. The list of nutrients found in cow milk and cow milk products include essentials such as vitamins A, D, B12, riboflavin, and niacin, proteins, healthy fats, calcium, phosphorous, and potassium. Cow milk and cow milk products have shown to boost the immune system and ward off several types of diseases. Here's how you can increase consumption of cow milk and cow milk products.

Breakfast - A glass full of the best full cream milk can give you the right nutritional jumpstart for the day. If you are mindful of the fats, you can opt for healthy double toned milk, which also provides the same level of nutrition. Cow's milk naturally contains less fat, so if you are choosing cow's milk, then you need not worry about the fat content. To make your breakfast even healthier, you can make a fruit shake such as banana milk shake, apple milk shake, papaya milk shake, etc. Choosing the best full cream milk for the fruit shakes can make your drink super tasty and wholesomely fulfilling. Once you have loaded up on this healthy meal, you will feel less hungry during the day and eat less, which will help you manage your weight better. Cheese is also a good option to include in your diet. You can use it as a topping on any of your breakfast item or make a wide variety of sandwiches.

Lunch - Lunch options for cow milk products would include things like organic curd and paneer. You can add tasty dahi to your meal to make it more fulfilling and healthier for your gut. The good bacteria in organic curd strengthen your digestive system and neutralize toxins and harmful bacteria in your gut. On the other hand, paneer will supply the proteins that the body needs for building and repairing cells. Proteins are the basic building blocks of the cells that make up our body, so it’s essential to have a good supply of proteins. A number of lip-smacking meals and desserts can be made with paneer. Cow ghee is another good thing that you can add to your meals. It enhances the taste and is considered very healthy for the body. Buttermilk can also be taken, either prior to or after the meal, depending on your personal preference. Buttermilk contains a wide variety of nutrients and is considered an excellent appetizer and a digestive.

Dinner – Options for dinner would be mostly the same as that of lunch. The only difference is that the quantities would be relatively less.

To end the day in a perfect manner, you can take a glass of cow’s milk at bedtime. It will help you sleep better, after which you will wake up refreshed the next morning.